The cloud went Northeast!

Sertao nordestinoThere was a time when the Lord manifested His presence and guided His people through the desert by means of a cloud. When the cloud moved, they would journey; when it remained above the tabernacle, the children of Israel would remain encamped.

In the next few lines, we want to share with you our understanding, which indicates that the cloud has been taken up and goes North. More specifically, Northeast Brazil! We invite you to come along, under the cloud and blessing of the Lord.

Though difficult, the process of “following the cloud” is educational and worth it. If on one side we feel broken, on the other side we are confident that in all circumstances He cares for us and finds great joy in revealing His Will to us. To pitch our tents outside the cloud would be a disaster! Choosing to stay beneath the cloud sometimes implies taking new, yet uneasy, ever-increasing steps of faith.

Teleiós was born by the challenge of “following the cloud” and create a church-planting project in Brazilian cities where less than 5 percent are Evangelicals. During the research steps we realized that 70 percent of these less evangelized cities are located in the Northeast region of Brazil. Aware of the complex traits this region portrays – drought, poverty, hunger, illiteracy, strong religious leanings to idolatry – we started asking the Lord:

“How do you begin a MOVEMENT that would foster the PLANTATION of hundred of churches in a region like this one, which, for decades, has been resistant to the advancement of the Gospel?”

We are aware of the existence of other workers, organizations and different churches in the Northeast. Teleiós aim joining forces with them to serve God with the measure of grace that He has poured out in our lives.

With God’s grace, our goal is to “give birth” and to nurture a network of churches in Northeastern Brazil. We long for a powerful visitation from God that will generate healthy, accesible and multiplying churches; every village with a christian community that will reflect God’s grace to suffering and exploited people, who have been prisoners of tradition and erroneous beliefs.

We know very well “who” lurks in the shadows of all idolatry (I Cor 10:19,20)! Join with us in this spiritual battle through prayer, providing us with spiritual protection, so that God’s power and grace may be released upon this people.

We are also asking the Lord to bless us with a ministry team, so that we may experience a bigger impact with many holistic mission projects. Such a challenge inspires us to view the Northeast as a “country inside the country”.

See some details:

  • 46 million inhabitants (the 2nd largest regional population in Brazil!), divided in 9 states.
  • 765 interior cities with less than 5% Evangelical (of which 37 have less than 1%).
  • 27 native tribes and 524 Quilombola communities (slave descendants) with no Christian testimony.
  • Extremely high index of illiteracy, child deaths, child labour forces, sexual turism, drug traffic, corruption – creating a scenario of extreme poverty in the big metropolises and the interior.

At the same time, this land holds a particular people with many attributes. Light-hearted, hopeful, persevering, intelligent, creative and loving briefly describes them. With God’s grace, they will represent (or already do) the greatest birthplace of Brazilian missionary initiative in the next years and will bless many nations world wide. We believe this!

May the Lord Himself spring up joy in your heart and produce the certainty we experience: nothing in this world could ever be compared to the privilege of being part of this movement – the manifestation of the Glory of God to all peoples!

We pray the Lord will guide you to join us in this ministry. Teleiós is fully sustained by God’s hand, through the gifts of His people. Let us know if you want more information about our projects and needs. We are expecting and praying for miracles. You may be one of them…

Join us! The cloud has been taken up!

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