Arquivo da tag: brazilian church

Are we going?

Bolivia , dramatic landscape, jeep desert and ...

In the last years I had the opportunity to represent Brazil at some international mission congress, visit Brazilian missionaries serving in Africa and Asia, and challenge churches to get involved in missions in different cities of Brazil and States.

How dare I could express everything that I saw, heard and lived in these places. How can I communicate all the marks engraved in my heart and mind? To make the story shorter I can say that there is nothing better than get in contact with the other parts of the Body of Christ in the world to discern our own roll as people and church, in Brazil and in the world. Continue lendo

And now José?

Carlos Drummond de Andrade, a famous Brazilian poet, stamped this expression in his poem “José” (1942). As master, he shows the emptiness and the “none direction” latent in the souls of the Brazilians, immerged in the anguish and the uncertainty of the dark years of the II Great World War. As being “José” (and also son of José), since I know myself as a person, this has been a question that has accompanied me.

There is also another “Joseph”, but this one inspires me. Opposite of the first one, poetic and emblematic, this one is historical; he lived with the Lord of the history. Continue lendo